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Vote for Replere on QVC.com today!

By Dr. Debbie Palmer 13 years ago No comments

This week, Replere Deep Clean & Clarify Face Wash is featured on QVC "Sprouts" online! In order for the Face Wash to be selected for Dr. Palmer to take it on QVC TV, we need your VOTE…

So, please, show your support and vote for Replere on QVC Sprouts today!

Here's how:

Go to QVC and type "sprouts" into the search box. You'll see a message in the big green box that says, "Make Your Picks." Click on that, and you should see the Replere Face Wash in a list of three products.

Here's the important part -- please click to vote YES for Replere Face Wash and feel free to leave a comment if you love the product.

You can only vote once per device (that means you can vote YES on your laptop, your phone and your tablet), and every vote counts!

Voting ends at noon on Friday, June 29th.

Thank you!

Dr. Debbie Palmer