Small Bursts of Exercise Make a Big Difference

Do exercise that makes you feel good; that's the activity that will motivate you to get moving.
The weather's getting warmer—making it easier to get outdoors and get moving. While we all know that exercise is important for our health, it's so hard to translate this knowledge into action with our extremely busy schedules—and so many demands on our time. But it's so important.
Exercise can clear the mind, make you less stressed and happier overall, and give you more energy. It can also boost your immune system so you get sick less often—and improve your skin.
Why exercise can improve your skin
Exercise can also boost the body's (and the skin's) antioxidant system.
"But it's in the area of longevity that exercise is gaining more and more attention."
In one study[ii], researchers found that being physically active just a few times per week was enough to lower risks of heart disease, stroke and blood clots. What's more, more frequent physical activity didn't appear to lower the risks further.
This is great news for those of us who don't have time to formally exercise every day of the week!
Another study[iii] found that just moving for just 2 minutes every hour—instead of being sedentary all day long—was associated with longevity and, more specifically, with a 33% lower risk of dying overall.
Bottom line: our bodies are meant to move—why exercise, be it a walk around the block or an intense cardio workout at the gym, makes just about everyone feel great.
Have fun!
"Acute Exercise Increases Resistance to Oxidative Stress in Young, but Not Older Adults," Trevor C. Nordin, Aaron J. Done, Tinna Traustadottir, AGE, November 2014, 36:9727;
[ii] "Frequent Physical Activity May not Reduce Vascular Disease Risk as Much as Moderate Activity: Large Prospective Study of UK Women," Miranda E.G. Armstrong, Jane Green, Gillian K. Reeves, et al., Circulation, February 2015, 131, 721-729;
[iii] "Walking an Extra Two Minutes Each Hour May Offset Hazards of Sitting Too Long," University of Utah Healthcare, April 30, 2015;