Healthy Body Really Does Equal Healthy Skin

When it comes to the skin, I'm fascinated by everything about it. In fact, as many of my friends know, I've wanted to be a dermatologist since I was in junior high. At that time, I was 11 years old and in the 6th grade. We were asked to give our first oral presentation to the class — and I chose to speak about, you guessed it, the skin! I can remember my mother asking me what I was preparing and when I told her, she wanted to know why skin and not a topic that was more fun. My response to her: nothing else is nearly as fun as talking about skin! I still feel the same way today!
"When it comes to the skin, I'm fascinated by everything about it."
With that bit of background on me, I wanted to share two fascinating new healthy body/healthy skin studies that have come out—and that we've shared with our Facebook fans (by the way, we're so excited to have just passed 4,000 likes!) and Twitter followers. If you're not following us yet, please do to stay on top of all this news.
• A healthy body = radiant, glowing skin. The body and the skin are absolutely interconnected, something I've believed for a long time. So I was excited to see a new study from the University of Southern Denmark that says skin—the largest organ in the body—actually communicates with the liver, which is the organ that filters out toxins. This is why—if something's going on inside our body—it's often reflected in the skin (rashes, eczema, wrinkles, sallow skin, etc.) This is proof why taking the holistic approach to health and our body is so important.
"The body and the skin are absolutely interconnected, something I've believed for a long time."
• Smoking is at the top of the worst-things-you-can-do-for-your-skin list (right there next to going out in the sun without sunscreen). One reason why: it creates free radicals in the body—and in the skin. And it's these free radicals that trigger diseases and stimulate the production of enzymes that break down collagen and elastin more quickly, triggering skin damage, including wrinkles, dullness, brown spots, loss of elasticity (e.g. sagging skin), and rough texture. A new study of twins, published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, backs this all up. The researchers found that twins who smoke show significantly more premature facial aging, compared to their nonsmoking identical twins.
"Free radicals trigger diseases and stimulate the production of enzymes that break down collagen and elastin more quickly, triggering skin damage, including wrinkles, dullness, brown spots, loss of elasticity, and rough texture."
One of the reasons I created REPLERE Restore & Fortify Beauty Shooters was to help people stay healthy on the inside, so they can look radiant and healthy on the outside. Each of these one-ounce bottles contains powerful antioxidants—which are essentially nature's defense against free radicals. If you can eat enough colorful fruits and veggies (think: brightly colored peppers, blueberries, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes…) every day, then all the better! But if you can't, these daily Beauty Shooters can help give your body what it needs.
Have a beautiful day!